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Original Webinar Date: June 12, 2023
from 3:00 pm
- 4:00 pm
Assessing and tracking transition knowledge and skills are key components of successful healthcare transition programs at hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs). During this webinar, attendees will learn about three different approaches to assessing transition knowledge and skills, starting with very young patients up to young adult patients. Julie Doyle, a nurse with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, will share her HTC’s knowledge assessment approach that starts as young as age 6. Jenny McDaniel, a pediatric hematologist with St. Jude Affiliate Clinic at Novant Health Hemby Children’s Hospital, will share her team’s approach to assessing transition knowledge with teens starting at age 14. Finally, Sam Cassisi, a Genetic Counselor with Michigan State University, will discuss a quality improvement project designed to assess and track transition knowledge across disciplines. Presenters will also discuss how they developed their approaches to assessing knowledge and skills, challenges along the way, how their strategies have evolved over time, and where their work may go in the future.
This webinar is jointly provided by Partners for Advancing Clinical Education (PACE) and ATHN. There is no cost associated with this webinar.